
浩博体育app(“大学”)认识到为需要动物帮助的残疾学生提供合理便利的重要性. 本政策概述了管理学生使用服务性动物或要求以辅助动物的形式提供合理住宿的具体要求. It also clarifies the difference between a Service Animal and an Assistance Animal. The University reserves the right to amend this policy at any time as circumstances require.



  • 服务的动物 are defined and regulated in accordance with the American with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). 法律规定服务性动物是一种动物, 通常是狗, that is individually trained to do work or perform specific tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, directly related to the individual’s specific physical or mental disability. Examples of tasks performed by 服务的动物 include assisting an individual who is blind or has impaired vision, 拉轮椅, and alerting an individual who is deaf or hearing impaired to the presence of people or sounds.

  • 除了个别训练的迷你马, 根据《浩博体育app》,只有狗才被视为服务性动物. 宠物不是服务性动物,不允许进入宿舍. 如下文更详细地说明, 拥有服务动物的学生通常可以带着他们的服务动物进入校园内对公众或学生开放的所有区域.


  • 在学生的服务动物被训练为残疾学生工作或执行特定任务的情况下,不容易明显, 大学可能会询问学生该动物是否因为残疾而需要成为服务性动物,以及该动物被训练执行什么类型的工作. 大学不会要求也不会要求提供有关服务动物的培训或认证的文件,也不会要求提供有关服务动物主人残疾的性质或程度的信息.

  • 希望在校园内使用服务动物的残疾学生最好向残疾服务办公室正式注册,并注册使用他们的服务动物. 收到使用服务性动物的请求后, 残疾服务办公室将与学生预约讨论本政策,并为学生提供任何可能有用的帮助.

  • 如果学生有服务性动物,并打算住在校园里, those individuals who may be impacted the animal’s presence on campus will be notified, 包括学生的室友或室友,让他们知道批准,并通知他们动物将与他们分享住所. The notification will be limited to communication about the animal’s presence, and there will be no disclosure of the student’s specific disability.


  • 服务的动物 may travel freely with their owner throughout the University, where other members of the University community and public are generally allowed to go.

  • 服务的动物, 然而, may be denied access from any facility on campus if the Service Animal (1) is out of control and the student is not effectively controlling it; (2) is not housebroken; (3) poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others; or (4) is behaving in such a way that would fundamentally alter the nature of a service or program of the University.

  • 当外, 服务性动物必须用皮带或挽具控制, 除非所有者的残疾使他们无法使用这些物品,或者这些物品妨碍服务动物执行其任务.



  • 辅助动物是一类可以工作的动物, 提供援助, 或为残疾学生执行体力劳动和/或为有精神或身体残疾的学生提供必要的情感支持,以减轻学生残疾的一种或多种已确定的症状.

  • 根据《浩博体育app》,援助动物不是服务性动物. Assistance animals are typically not trained to perform specific work or tasks. 帮助动物 are not limited to dogs and can be other species of animals.

  • 帮助动物 are only permitted on campus with prior approval from the Office of Disability Services.


  • 希望使用援助/情感支持动物的残疾学生必须事先获得残疾服务办公室的授权. 学生s intending to make sure a request are encouraged to do so as soon as possible in advance of the academic year, 并且在学生到校前至少30天.

  • Upon receiving a request for the use of an Assistance/Emotional Support Animal, the Office of Disability Services will schedule an appointment with the student to discuss the accommodation request.

  • If the student’s disability and/or disability-related need is not readily apparent or known, 大学可能会要求学生提供有关残疾和残疾相关的援助动物需求的额外文件. 在这种情况下, 残疾服务办公室可能会要求寻求援助动物的学生填写表格,由学生的主治医生填写, 精神病学家, 心理健康专家, 或其他可靠的第三方确认辅助动物对减轻学生现有残疾的一种或多种症状是必要的. 学生可能需要每学年重新提交信息.

  • Although students will be required to demonstrate their need for an Assistance Animal, 大学不会要求学生提供医疗记录,也不会要求医疗保健提供者提供有关请求学生身体或精神残疾的详细和/或广泛信息或文件.

  • 在评估学生对援助动物的要求时, 大学会考虑(1)学生是否有残疾,以及(2)是否需要援助动物,以使学生有平等的机会享受大学的服务. The request may be denied if the request would impose an undue burden on the University, 从根本上改变大学的服务, 或者对他人健康和安全构成直接威胁的.

  • If a student has been approved for an Assistance/Emotional Support Animal and intends to live on campus, those individuals who may be impacted the animal’s presence on campus will be notified, 包括学生的室友或室友,让他们知道批准,并通知他们动物将与他们分享住所. The notification will be limited to communication about the animal’s presence, and there will be no disclosure of the student’s specific disability.

  • 通过此过程请求援助/情感支持动物未被批准的学生将有机会通过联系学生生活副校长对此类决定提出上诉 & 教务长


  • Assistance/Emotional Support Animals are only permitted in a student’s Residence Hall. 帮助动物 是不允许进入大学其他建筑物的 (e.g.、图书馆、教室)

  • 在学生宿舍, they must be contained within the privately assigned residential area (room, 套件, 公寓), with the exception of going outside the building for instances of veterinary appointments or elimination walks as needed

  • 当外, Assistance/Emotional Support Animals must be controlled by leash or harness, 或放置在动物载体中.

  • 帮助动物 may only stay on campus as long as the owner has a disability-related need for the Assistance Animal. Owners must notify the Office of Disability Services if the Assistance Animal is no longer necessary or no longer on campus.

Responsibilities of 学生 Owners of 服务的动物 and Assistance/Emotional Support Animals

  • 学生s with 服务的动物 or 帮助动物 (“Owners”) are solely responsible for the animal’s care and supervision. 动物必须始终处于主人的控制之下,无论何时离开主人的房间,都必须靠近主人.

  • The Owner is financially and legally responsible for the actions of an approved Service Animal or Assistance Animal, 比如身体伤害或财产损失, 包括但不限于, 更换家具, 地毯, 或者墙体分层, 等. The University shall have the right to bill the student for necessary repair and/or replacement costs.

  • 所有在校园里生活的动物都必须获得许可并接种疫苗. 业主必须遵守所有现行行政区的规定, 县和州的法令, 有关动物的法律法规. Owners are responsible for ensuring that the animal is well-cared for and fed. The University is not responsible for providing care or food to any animal including, 但不限于, 在紧急疏散时转移动物.

  • 辅助/情感支持动物的主人有责任确保被批准的动物不会妨碍大学的日常活动和日常运作,也不会给在大学上学或工作的学生造成并发症. Sensitivity to individuals with allergies and to those who fear animals is vital to ensure the peace of the campus community

  • 业主的住所可以检查是否有跳蚤, 蜱虫, 或其他害虫每学期或根据需要. 如果跳蚤, 蜱虫, 或经检查发现其他有害生物, the affected areas with be treated using a 浩博体育app approved pest control service. 学生将被收取在大学宿舍正常虫害管理之外的任何虫害处理费用, if it is determined that the reason for the extra expense is the result of the animal.

  • The residence of the Owner may undergo additional Health and Safety Checks, 如有需要,由住宿部决定

  • 动物不得在淋浴间里洗澡, 浴缸, 或是宿舍里的水槽, 动物性食品必须保存在有盖的储存容器中

  • 所有在校园里生活的动物都必须是整洁的. 主人有责任确保清理动物的粪便,并必须在学校指定的区域为动物上厕所, 与船东的合理能力相一致. 动物粪便必须用塑料垃圾袋处理, 这是固定的, 然后被放在宿舍外的垃圾桶里. Waste from animals using in-door toileting must be disposed of outside the building on a regular basis, 以消除任何气味. Litter boxes should be placed on mats so that feces and urine are not tracked onto 地毯ed surfaces.

  • Animals must not be tethered to a stationary fixture or left unattended outside of a residential room on campus

  • 除非是非常紧急的情况, Animals may not be left overnight in University Housing to be cared for by anyone other than the Owner. 如果动物长时间离开校园,必须与主人一起带走,或者主人的紧急联系人必须来接走援助/情感支持动物

  • 业主必须遵守所有其他住宅政策.

  • 所有的动物都必须受到人道对待.


  • 如果服务动物或辅助动物对他人的健康和安全构成直接威胁,大学可能会要求动物所有者将其带离大学, 给大学带来了不应有的负担, when the animal’s presence fundamentally alters the University’s housing or a University program or service, or when the student Owner does not comply with the responsibilities outlined above. Each determination for removal will be made on an individualized basis. If the animal is removed for any reason, the owner is expected to satisfy their housing obligations.

  • Violation of these responsibilities may also be reviewed through the University’s 学生 Conduct system, 受大学政策规定的所有权利的约束. 任何此类行为的指控将在个人的基础上提出.