英语 & 创意写作


  • 纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿分校博士
  • 华盛顿大学文学硕士
  • 保罗大学文学学士

Associate Professor of 英语 & 创意写作

Co-Department Head of 英语 and 创意写作


Born poor in Bellingham, Wash., I grew up crabbing and fishing for salmon in Bellingham Bay, and riding my bicycle to the Lummi Indian Reservation to buy fireworks with my paper-route money. Educated in Chicago, I worked nights at UPS to pay for what my grants didn’t cover. When I graduated, I got a job as a bicycle messenger but was hit by four cars in the Loop. Banged up, I went to graduate school. 现在 a decade-long inhabitant of the East Coast, I’ve spent the last 10 or so years making up for, 用朋友的话来说, 我虚度的青春.”

现在, at 浩博体育app and at my house (built 1871), 我教, 我写着, and I make things out of wood. I’ve published a collection of stories, 的 Inconvenience of the Wings. 我的小说, 断脖子的人们这部电影将于2016年上映. Sometimes, when I’m not writing, I’m building things. (I have a workshop down by our chicken coop.) I’ve built windows, a toy helicopter, a gumball machine, a cherry bench.

In Why We Make Things and Why It Matters, 彼得•科恩, 家具制造商, 写, “所有人造的东西, 是椅子吗?, 一个文本, 或者一所学校, 是思想构成的物质.甚至我们的生命, 我想起来了, can be built in the way that one builds a bench out of cherry wood, 或是一本没有文字的书, 或者是一所砖砌的学校. 这是, you get to construct your life, though you are limited by the materials at hand (the board-feet of quarter-sawn oak, 词汇的广度, 或砖的颜色). You get to pick the joinery! You can be conscious about this construction, or you cannot. 这是你的选择.

Let me be clear: I want to be conscious all the time. And I bet, if you’re a student considering coming to SU that you do too. I bet that you’re self-conscious, that you can’t stop thinking, and that your friends tell you that you think too much. 你不. 的re’s no such thing as thinking too much.

Whoever you are, I look forward to thinking with you, face to face.

有关更多信息,请参见 http://www.silasdentzobal.com.

的 Inconvenience of the Wings Cover


Binghamton University, Doctor of Philosophy in 英语 2005

现场考试:20th Century World Literature, American Short Fiction, Contemporary American Novels

论文: 阿基米德重写本, a collection of short fiction.

Dissertation Director: John Vernon.

Committee: Jaimee Wriston Colbert, Susan Strehle, Marilyn Gaddis-Rose

University of Washington, Master of Fine 艺术 2001


论文: ,故事集.

的sis Director: David Bosworth

DePaul University, Bachelor of 艺术 1997

Major: 英语 Concentration: 创意写作


Creative work and Scholarship


的 Inconvenience of the Wings. Fomite Press: Burlington, VT. 2015年6月15日.

断脖子的人们. Unbridled 书: Lakewood, CO. 2017年春季.


“医院.” 线列车 第88期(2013):16-33.

“阿基米德重写本.” Breaking Away: Experimental Fiction. 密苏里评论, (2012).Ed. 摩根斯皮尔. 85-93

“发脾气.” 青山评论.卷. 二十四,没有. 1 (2011): 202-210.

《盖伯瑞尔的三个故事.” 或者:文学小报 第6期(2011):16.

“可怜.” 北美 审查 卷ume 295, Number 3 (Summer 2010): 15-20.

“阿基米德重写本.” 密苏里州的审查 卷ume 29 Number 4 (2006): 136-148.

“我们看见了光。.” 特有的朝圣者, an Hourglass Press anthology. (2007): 461-471.

“我父的家.” 线列车 Issue 57 (Winter 2006): 134-161.

“领头羊.” 谢南多厄河谷: the Washington and Lee University 审查 卷ume 55 Number 2 (Fall 2005): 83-91.

《鸟的祈祷》.” 贝洛伊特小说杂志 第十八卷(2005年春季版).

“We Come Back More Glyph Than Flesh.” 580分 第七期(2005):95-103.

“树叶之城”.” 圣克拉拉评论 卷ume 92 Number 1 (Fall/Winter 2004-2005): 52-67.

“赞同.” Iron Horse Literary 审查 卷ume Five Number Two (Spring Thaw 2004): 114-123.

“取缔.” 密苏里评论 卷ume XXV Number 3 (2002): 129-138.

“的 Language of Men Who Speak of What 的y Do Not Understand.” 威斯康辛州审查 卷ume 35 Issue 3 (Summer 2001): 13-22.

“低级天使的营地.” 新奥尔良评论 第26卷第3卷 & 4 (Fall/Winter 2000): 155-162.

《浩博体育app》.” 阈值 第16卷(1996):19-24.


“的 Short Fiction Workshop.” 的 创意写作 Guidebook. Co-written with Catherine Dent. Ed. 格雷姆·哈珀. London, UK: Continuum Press. 2009.


“古老的一切”. 没有别的了. 试过. 曾经失败的.” 线列车 Bulletin 65 (2012). http://www.glimmertrain.com/b65zobal.html

“的 Archeology of Originality.” Modern Language Studies 41.2(2012年冬季).

Selected Conference Papers and Presentations:

“的 Metaphysical Hospital.” Harrisburg, PA: Northeast Modern Language Association. (2014年4月5日.)

“的 Stifled Writer and the PhD.” Rochester, NY: Northeast Modern Language Association. (2012年3月12日.)

北美评论 and the Making of American Literature.” Boston, MA: American Literature Association Conference. (2011年5月27日).

“‘Immature Poets Borrow, Mature Poets Steal’: the Archeology of Originality.” New Brunswick, NJ: Northeast Modern Language Association. (2011年4月7日.)

Silas Dent Zobal is the author of a novel, 的 断脖子的人们, and a short story collection, 的 Inconvenience of the Wings. He has published short fiction and essays in the 密苏里州的审查, 线列车, 点燃中心, 新奥尔良评论, 北美评论, 绿山评论, 谢南多厄河谷, 和其他地方. He has won the 线列车 Fiction Open, been a scholar at the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and been awarded a fiction fellowship from the National Endowment for the 艺术.

  • 英格兰- 540:实习
  • off - frnc:法语 & 文化
  • OFFR-FRNC: French Language & 文化
  • OFFR-FRNC: Go Southern France
  • off - frnc:法语 & 文化
  • OFFS-FRNC: Go Southern France
  • WRIT-200: Intro to 创意写作
  • WRIT-251: Introduction to Fiction
  • WRIT-270: Small Press Publishing and Editing
  • write -351:临时小说
  • WRIT-351: Intermediate Fiction
  • WRIT-351: Intermediate Short Story
  • WRIT-451: Adv Fiction: Short Story
  • WRIT-500: Independent Study
  • 命令- 520:实习
  • 命令- 540:实习
  • WRIT-590: Departmental Honors


Born poor in Bellingham, Wash., I grew up crabbing and fishing for salmon in Bellingham Bay, and riding my bicycle to the Lummi Indian Reservation to buy fireworks with my paper-route money. Educated in Chicago, I worked nights at UPS to pay for what my grants didn’t cover. When I graduated, I got a job as a bicycle messenger but was hit by four cars in the Loop. Banged up, I went to graduate school. 现在 a decade-long inhabitant of the East Coast, I’ve spent the last 10 or so years making up for, 用朋友的话来说, 我虚度的青春.”

现在, at 浩博体育app and at my house (built 1871), 我教, 我写着, and I make things out of wood. I’ve published a collection of stories, 的 Inconvenience of the Wings. 我的小说, 断脖子的人们这部电影将于2016年上映. Sometimes, when I’m not writing, I’m building things. (I have a workshop down by our chicken coop.) I’ve built windows, a toy helicopter, a gumball machine, a cherry bench.

In Why We Make Things and Why It Matters, 彼得•科恩, 家具制造商, 写, “所有人造的东西, 是椅子吗?, 一个文本, 或者一所学校, 是思想构成的物质.甚至我们的生命, 我想起来了, can be built in the way that one builds a bench out of cherry wood, 或是一本没有文字的书, 或者是一所砖砌的学校. 这是, you get to construct your life, though you are limited by the materials at hand (the board-feet of quarter-sawn oak, 词汇的广度, 或砖的颜色). You get to pick the joinery! You can be conscious about this construction, or you cannot. 这是你的选择.

Let me be clear: I want to be conscious all the time. And I bet, if you’re a student considering coming to SU that you do too. I bet that you’re self-conscious, that you can’t stop thinking, and that your friends tell you that you think too much. 你不. 的re’s no such thing as thinking too much.

Whoever you are, I look forward to thinking with you, face to face.

有关更多信息,请参见 http://www.silasdentzobal.com.

的 Inconvenience of the Wings Cover



Binghamton University, Doctor of Philosophy in 英语 2005

现场考试:20th Century World Literature, American Short Fiction, Contemporary American Novels

论文: 阿基米德重写本, a collection of short fiction.

Dissertation Director: John Vernon.

Committee: Jaimee Wriston Colbert, Susan Strehle, Marilyn Gaddis-Rose

University of Washington, Master of Fine 艺术 2001


论文: ,故事集.

的sis Director: David Bosworth

DePaul University, Bachelor of 艺术 1997

Major: 英语 Concentration: 创意写作


Creative work and Scholarship


的 Inconvenience of the Wings. Fomite Press: Burlington, VT. 2015年6月15日.

断脖子的人们. Unbridled 书: Lakewood, CO. 2017年春季.


“医院.” 线列车 第88期(2013):16-33.

“阿基米德重写本.” Breaking Away: Experimental Fiction. 密苏里评论, (2012).Ed. 摩根斯皮尔. 85-93

“发脾气.” 青山评论.卷. 二十四,没有. 1 (2011): 202-210.

《盖伯瑞尔的三个故事.” 或者:文学小报 第6期(2011):16.

“可怜.” 北美 审查 卷ume 295, Number 3 (Summer 2010): 15-20.

“阿基米德重写本.” 密苏里州的审查 卷ume 29 Number 4 (2006): 136-148.

“我们看见了光。.” 特有的朝圣者, an Hourglass Press anthology. (2007): 461-471.

“我父的家.” 线列车 Issue 57 (Winter 2006): 134-161.

“领头羊.” 谢南多厄河谷: the Washington and Lee University 审查 卷ume 55 Number 2 (Fall 2005): 83-91.

《鸟的祈祷》.” 贝洛伊特小说杂志 第十八卷(2005年春季版).

“We Come Back More Glyph Than Flesh.” 580分 第七期(2005):95-103.

“树叶之城”.” 圣克拉拉评论 卷ume 92 Number 1 (Fall/Winter 2004-2005): 52-67.

“赞同.” Iron Horse Literary 审查 卷ume Five Number Two (Spring Thaw 2004): 114-123.

“取缔.” 密苏里评论 卷ume XXV Number 3 (2002): 129-138.

“的 Language of Men Who Speak of What 的y Do Not Understand.” 威斯康辛州审查 卷ume 35 Issue 3 (Summer 2001): 13-22.

“低级天使的营地.” 新奥尔良评论 第26卷第3卷 & 4 (Fall/Winter 2000): 155-162.

《浩博体育app》.” 阈值 第16卷(1996):19-24.


“的 Short Fiction Workshop.” 的 创意写作 Guidebook. Co-written with Catherine Dent. Ed. 格雷姆·哈珀. London, UK: Continuum Press. 2009.


“古老的一切”. 没有别的了. 试过. 曾经失败的.” 线列车 Bulletin 65 (2012). http://www.glimmertrain.com/b65zobal.html

“的 Archeology of Originality.” Modern Language Studies 41.2(2012年冬季).

Selected Conference Papers and Presentations:

“的 Metaphysical Hospital.” Harrisburg, PA: Northeast Modern Language Association. (2014年4月5日.)

“的 Stifled Writer and the PhD.” Rochester, NY: Northeast Modern Language Association. (2012年3月12日.)

北美评论 and the Making of American Literature.” Boston, MA: American Literature Association Conference. (2011年5月27日).

“‘Immature Poets Borrow, Mature Poets Steal’: the Archeology of Originality.” New Brunswick, NJ: Northeast Modern Language Association. (2011年4月7日.)

学术 & 创意作品

Silas Dent Zobal is the author of a novel, 的 断脖子的人们, and a short story collection, 的 Inconvenience of the Wings. He has published short fiction and essays in the 密苏里州的审查, 线列车, 点燃中心, 新奥尔良评论, 北美评论, 绿山评论, 谢南多厄河谷, 和其他地方. He has won the 线列车 Fiction Open, been a scholar at the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and been awarded a fiction fellowship from the National Endowment for the 艺术.


  • 英格兰- 540:实习
  • off - frnc:法语 & 文化
  • OFFR-FRNC: French Language & 文化
  • OFFR-FRNC: Go Southern France
  • off - frnc:法语 & 文化
  • OFFS-FRNC: Go Southern France
  • WRIT-200: Intro to 创意写作
  • WRIT-251: Introduction to Fiction
  • WRIT-270: Small Press Publishing and Editing
  • write -351:临时小说
  • WRIT-351: Intermediate Fiction
  • WRIT-351: Intermediate Short Story
  • WRIT-451: Adv Fiction: Short Story
  • WRIT-500: Independent Study
  • 命令- 520:实习
  • 命令- 540:实习
  • WRIT-590: Departmental Honors